International investments

Guardian Trust Capital believes in the importance of global investment due to the Brazil risk and diversification opportunities in other markets. This approach allows investors to benefit from economic expansion in various regions and sectors, reducing dependence on a single market.


Guardian Trust Capital's investment strategy is based on three main premises: market cycle, technical analysis, and fundamental analysis. Let's evaluate them separately:


  • Market Cycle: Anyone with experience in gardening knows that it's challenging to plant during winter because nothing grows. The same is true for markets. Each asset class (equities, commodities, debt securities) behaves in a certain way within the economic cycle. Each asset class has two turning points: a peak and a trough. This means that a typical cycle has a total of six junctures – three buys and three sells.

    Source: Martin Pring research


  • Technical analysis: We've talked about the economic cycle, but how do we know which phase of the economic cycle we are in? The phase of the economic cycle is identified through models or "barometers" for each of the three asset classes (bonds, stocks, and commodities). The barometers we use are constructed from proprietary technical relationships by Martin Pring and have been studied since 1955 by the Dow Jones Index. When the majority of components in a barometer are in a "buy" signal, then that asset class is considered "bullish," and when the majority are in a "sell" signal, then that asset class is considered "bearish."

    The performance of Martin Pring's barometer has been tested under all types of geopolitical turbulence, wars, economic hardships, monetary conditions, and covers periods of inflation, deflation, crises, expansions, and contractions. It is these barometers that can provide us with a view of the ideal allocation percentage for each stage of the economic cycle:
    Source: Martin Pring Research


  • Fundamental analysis: It is applied to assess the long-term intrinsic value of assets. The Guardian Trust Capital team thoroughly examines the financial fundamentals of companies, including revenues, profits, balance sheets, and growth prospects. This analysis helps identify solid investments that can generate consistent returns over time.
Questions typically answered by the Guardian team about investing abroad:
  • What is the minimum investment amount?
  • How to build a dividend portfolio?
  • How to position my investment portfolio?
  • Which bonds to buy now?
  • Which ETFs to buy now?
  • What is the taxation of these investments through offshore structures?
  • What is the minimum investment amount?
  • How to build a dividend portfolio?
  • How to position my investment portfolio?
  • Which bonds to buy now?
  • Which ETFs to buy now?
  • What is the taxation of these investments through offshore structures?